
The Bible has a fascinating history and provides further evidence for the existence of God.

The use of certain key numbers is another device used throughout the biblical texts which point to a unified hand in the creation of the entire book. For example, the number “7” is used to signal God’s perfection of design and the completion of His work. God rested on the 7th day after completing His creation of our planet on the 6th day. It was complete and whole (Genesis 2:2). In the last Book of the Bible, Revelation, Jesus writes letters to seven of His churches and carries out His final judgments against evil and those who oppose Him in three series’ of sevenfold judgments. The final judgment ushers in the return of Jesus Christ (Revelation 21:9).bible

Sometimes the 7’s are buried in the original Hebrew structure of the letters, words, and sentences. Since each ancient Hebrew letter had a unique numeric value, “codes” and “counting devices” could be embedded in the text. For example, Genesis 1:1 has a dozen “counters” buried in the original Hebrew, each of which is a multiple of seven. The genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:1-17 is actually “designed” beyond all statistical probabilities. Whether it be names, words, letters, vowels, consonants, or any number of other devices, everything seems to be divisible by seven. This remarkable structure signified the “completion” and “perfection” of Jesus Christ in the integrated message of the entire biblical text that came before him!

Central to the message of the Bible is God’s gift of salvation through His Son Jesus, the Messiah.

Is it possible that 40 authors writing separately over hundreds of years could have planned the amazing integration and unity of theme that we now see in the completed collection of 66 books? Dig in and explore the integrated design of the biblical texts for yourself!

    1. Henry H. Halley, Halley’s Bible Handbook, 25th ed., Zondervan Publishing House, 2000, 1071.
    2. Ibid.
    3. Various, Zondervan Handbook to the Bible, Zondervan Publishing House, 1999, 64-65.
    4. Luke 24:44, The Holy Bible, New King James Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1982.
    5. F.F. Bruce, The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? 5th rev. ed., Intervarsity Press, 1960, 21-28.

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